Dossier: Young adults

Student life or stay with a family

Once you’ve finished school or completed your training, there’s nothing stopping you from doing a language course abroad or working as an au pair. You’ve come of age, can make your own decisions, and you’re footloose and fancy free and open to new things. It’s now or never!

There are a whole range of companies offering language trips and employment as an au pair. To find the best option for you, it’s a good idea to make a checklist before you start surfing aimlessly online. Remember that au pairs don’t earn much – your reward is speaking the language with the host family every day.

Other points to consider:

  • Which language do you want to learn?
  • Where (country, city) do you want to learn the language?
  • What else are you looking for from your destination (location, scenery, travel connections, etc.)?
  • Can you picture yourself working as an au pair?
  • How do you want to spend your free time (sporting activities, entertainment, etc.)?
  • Duration of language course?
  • What sort of accommodation would you consider (host family, student halls, youth hostel, etc.)?
  • What certificate do you hope to obtain?
  • How much do you want to spend on the language course?

Overview of companies offering language trips (non-exhaustive):
