Adjust deductible

You want to change your deductible or switch to an alternative insurance model? Here you’ll find the most important deadlines and a few useful tips.

Change the annual deductible on your basic insurance

If you want to reduce your deductible, your request must reach us by 30 November. If the 30th falls on a weekend, your message must reach us by the last working day in November. Requests to increase your annual deductible must reach us by 31 December. Your annual deductible can only be changed with effect 1 January of the following year.

Did you know that you can change your deductible quickly and easily in the Sanitas portal? Sign up now for the Sanitas Portal.

Our tip: Save paper and handle all your insurance affairs online.

Transferring to an alternative insurance model

Transfer from a standard insurance plan with a deductible of CHF 300 to an alternative insurance model (AIM) for basic insurance is possible with effect from the beginning of a month. It is only possible to transfer from one AIM to another with effect from 1 January of the following year. In this case, notification must reach us by 30 November.

You’ll find an overview of our alternative insurance models here.