Sanitas – one of the top employers in 2023

17 February 2023


The top employer ranking is based on an independent survey conducted by the Statista online portal in cooperation with the Handelszeitung newspaper. Once again, Sanitas has been named as one of the top employers in Switzerland and even achieved 2nd place among Swiss health insurers .

Sanitas is delighted with the result and wants to thank its employees for helping to create such an attractive working environment based on trust, mutual respect and common values. This is also confirmed by the interviews with the study winners published in the Handelszeitung paper. For the second time in a row, Zweifel Pomy-Chips AG was named the top employer in Switzerland, scoring particularly highly for the successful balance it achieves between workload and flexibility. Sanitas also attaches great importance to this topic.

The survey was conducted by the Statista online portal and the results published in the Handelszeitung newspaper. Over 15,000 employees in Switzerland took part in the survey via online access panels and the Handelszeitung website. Thanks to the large number of people registered in the panels, the participants have broad regional and sociodemographic spread. The survey took place from May to June 2022, with over 200,000 ratings from two evaluation channels being incorporated into the ranking.