Sponsorship projects to promote

health in Switzerland


The Sanitas health insurance foundation has set itself the goal of promoting the health of people in Switzerland. It does so by supporting selected health promotion and disease prevention initiatives that run on a charitable basis and are accessible to all.

These projects encourage people to take charge of their own health, promote awareness of a healthy lifestyle, and enhance integration in communities and society. The focus is on projects that harness the opportunities of digitalisation and promote the healthy use of digital tools.

  • On the physical health side the foundation gives particular support to innovative preventive approaches.
  • On the mental health side it supports initiatives to improve people’s mental balance and resilience, especially in relation to digital transformation.
  • Projects should be of a regional or national nature or have the potential to be rolled out geographically.

Do you have a project that might interest us?

We look forward to hearing from you. You have the best chance of receiving funding if your project meets the criteria listed above. We will review your project without obligation and get back to you.

Projects sponsored by the Sanitas foundation

Alarm system for diabetes

There are many good new technologies for improved blood glucose control for diabetes patients, but the early detection of dangerous fluctuations in blood sugar levels remains a challenge. A group of researchers at the University of Bern hopes to create an alarm system based on artificial intelligence (AI), which is being optimised and validated as part of a clinical trial. The Sanitas foundation wants to play a role in the early detection of dangerous fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

To the ARTORG Center of the University of Bern

​Young people “ready4life”

​Secondary school students are on the cusp of adulthood – an age where issues such as alcohol, smoking and nicotine, stress, cannabis, social media and gaming come to the fore. Lungenliga has developed an interactive coaching app to help young people navigate their way through these tricky topics and develop key life skills. The Sanitas foundation is supporting the further development of this app to help young people grow into strong and resilient adults.

To ready 4 life

​Managing atopic dermatitis

​Atopic dermatitis or neurodermatitis is a chronic dry and scaly skin condition that usually begins in infancy. It affects around one in five children in Switzerland. This disease poses a challenge particularly for parents, because the right skin care is essential for preventing or reducing the painful or irritating symptoms. The aha! Swiss Allergy Centre offers a training course for parents, which will also be newly available as an eLearning module. In this way, the Sanitas foundation is helping to ensure that parents can learn at their own pace. 

To aha! / atopic-dermitis

Sexually transmitted diseases

​Those looking for advice on how to prevent or treat sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) will find even better insights on the Swiss AIDS Federation website in future. The Sanitas foundation is supporting the “Information hub” project, whereby algorithms and artificial intelligence will be used to scan the content of the aids.com platform and associated subpages to find the most appropriate answers to users’ pressing questions.

​To Swiss AIDS Federation

Living with dementia

The new, interactive platform demenzworld makes it easier for dementia sufferers and their loved ones to live with the disease. You’ll find more useful information in the “demenzjournal” magazine and the “demenzwiki” glossary. If you’d like to discuss your experience with others, you can attend the in-person “demenzmeets” or visit the “demenzforum” online. And for the right tip at the right time, go to the “demenznavi” – the section of the website available via a low-cost subscription. The Sanitas health insurance foundation supports the development of elearning modules for relatives.

To Demenzworld

Healthy development of young children

Smartphones and tablets are a wonderful invention, but parents are increasingly unsure about how to ensure the healthy development of their young children against the everyday backdrop of these devices. The Marie Meierhofer Institute for Children, associated to the University of Zurich, has therefore launched a study in which interested parents can use WhatsApp over a number of weeks to build their skills and access resources while also receiving information about healthy development. The programme centres around a behavioural change plan defined individually by the parents (e.g. switch off all digital media during mealtimes). The coaching intervention study will be scientifically evaluated and supported by the Sanitas health insurance foundation.



​Sexual education for vocational schools

​Aids-Hilfe St. Gallen Appenzell and the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts are developing a new digital platform for use in delivering a sex education programme to vocational schools, based on the flipped classroom concept. The project aims to provide a high-quality educational programme on sexual health issues as part of the general education curriculum at vocational schools. It will help teachers ensure that they can deliver a basic standard of knowledge around sexual health issues. The Sanitas foundation is involved in developing the digital platform, which is central to the new learning process for young people. 

To Aids-Hilfe St. Gallen-Appenzell  

Protecting young souls

Children and young people who have a parent with mental health issues face tough challenges and often have to take on responsibilities that far exceed their strength and age-appropriate abilities. In order for them to remain psychologically healthy, Institut Kinderseele Schweiz helps those affected directly, supports friends and family, and offers further training for professionals. The organisation works with partners from adult, youth and child psychiatry, youth and family welfare, social welfare, schools and the medical profession. The Sanitas foundation supports the online platform and peer advice.

To kinderseele.ch


​Lifestyle and healthy ageing

​Can personalised preventive care slow down the biological ageing process? The Precision Age project run by the medical ageing research team at the University of Zurich is looking for answers to this question. It aims to create a scientific basis for middle-aged adults to positively influence the ageing process by making sustainable, healthy lifestyle changes. The interventional study − involving an active group and a control group − is investigating how factors such as physical activity, diet, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, mindfulness and sleep affect the ageing process in over 600 participants aged between 45 and 65. The Sanitas foundation is involved in the digital platform for connecting participants.

More about the Precision Age project