Uniform: Health Insurance Benefits Ordinance (KLV/HIBO)

The Health Insurance Benefits Ordinance (KLV/HIBO) regulates in detail which benefits are paid under basic insurance.

Definition of the Health Insurance Benefits Ordinance (KLV/HIBO)

What is the Health Insurance Benefits Ordinance (KLV/HIBO)? The Health Insurance Benefits Ordinance (KLV/HIBO) defines all the benefits that are covered by basic insurance. It ensures that all insureds are reimbursed for the same benefits.  

Who decides which benefits are included?

The Federal Department of Home Affairs (EDI) decides which new benefits are included in the Health Insurance Benefits Ordinance. It also determines the extent to which the costs are covered by basic insurance. The EDI is advised by various commissions and receives technical support from the Federal Office of Public Health.

Which benefits are included in the Health Insurance Benefits Ordinance?

For a benefit to be included in the Health Insurance Benefits Ordinance, it must be effective, expedient and economical. This is the EEE formula. All three criteria must be met.

The complete Health Insurance Benefits Ordinance can be found here.