Sanitas Case Management: Support during difficult times

A serious illness or accident can have a profound effect on your life. Sanitas Case Management supports you through difficult health situations, whether you’re interested in improving your health in general or looking to reintegrate back into the workplace.

Sanitas case managers

Sanitas case managers are healthcare professionals with a high level of expertise and excellent social skills. They advise you throughout your physical and mental recovery and help you organise and coordinate your treatment – from your first visit to the doctor to the end of treatment, with the aim of sustainably improving your health. Our case managers are, of course, bound by professional confidentiality.

Areas of expertise of our case managers:

  • Support in the event of illness and accident
  • Support in the event of psychological and psychosomatic illnesses
  • Support with reintegration at work

How your personal case manager can help: 

  • Coordinating with doctors
  • Choosing a suitable facility
  • Helping with paperwork on admission to hospital
  • Clarifying treatment options
  • Keeping relatives informed
  • Organising home care
  • Organising transport to place of treatment or hospitalisation
  • Coordinating contact with social security and healthcare agencies
  • Finding aids and equipment

Who can use the case management services?

Case management services are available to all customers with a valid insurance policy (health insurance, supplementary insurance, daily benefits and capital insurance). They are voluntary and free of charge.

Our customers talk about their experiences

The Sanitas case management team is on hand to help you back into your daily routine, supporting you through difficult health situations. In the new “Mensch” (Human) portrait series, customers talk their life stories and how case managers provide them with personal and individual support.

Lars Antonsen: Spinal muscular atrophy

Davide Ferrari: New paths with addiction

Salvatore Carlino: Brain haemorrhage

Lia Staub: Chronic migraines and exhaustion

Take advantage of Sanitas case management

Please fill out the registration form to help with the initial consultation. We’ll be in touch soon to discuss the next steps.

Sanitas magazine: Spotlight on health-related issues