One point of contact for all medical queries

NetMed is the HMO model for basic insurance. You always contact your practice or your doctor in a network of physicians first when you need medical advice. You will be advised by a team of doctors and therapists who are familiar with your medical history and know what to do.

Key benefits of basic insurance

Anyone who is resident in Switzerland is obliged by law to have basic health insurance in order to ensure basic medical care for all. All health insurers cover the same benefits under basic insurance.


For example

  • Treatment with a doctor or specialist throughout Switzerland
  • Hospital treatment in the general ward of your canton of residence
  • Cost share towards emergency treatment worldwide
  • Medicines, laboratory tests or medical aids

Step by step: how NetMed works

  1. Choose an HMO practice or a doctor in a network of physicians - you’ll find the doctor locator here.
  2. You always contact your HMO practice or doctor first if you need medical advice.
  3. Your doctor provides initial medical advice.
  4. This doctor provides treatment or refers you to a specialist.
  5. The treatment plan is binding.

Take out insurance online now

With NetMed you save between 7% and 18% on your premium compared to the Basic standard model for basic health insurance.

First-rate advice in your network of physicians

In an HMO practice or with a doctor affiliated with a network, you benefit from the combined medical expertise of an entire network. You have access to several doctors and therapists when you need medical advice.

The doctor providing your treatment can exchange information with other doctors. Every doctor or therapist in the network has access to your medical records and can obtain the necessary information. This ensures seamless communication.

If necessary, your doctor will refer you to a suitable specialist. Your treatment plan is binding. Your practice or doctor coordinates the treatment and any measures required. This increases the chances of success and avoids unnecessary costs. In return you get a discount on your premium.

You can go directly to a specialist in these cases

  • Emergencies (your practice or doctor must be informed within 10 days)
  • Gynaecological check-ups
  • Maternity benefits
  • Regular eye tests
  • Dental treatment

Important: please always inform your coordinating doctor or HMO practice in advance. Depending on the doctor involved, failure to comply with this rule may result in sanctions. In an emergency, the information can be provided after the consultation.

Overview of benefits

The amounts listed are for maximum benefits and, unless specified otherwise, are valid for each calendar year. Benefits are granted only in accordance with the Swiss Federal Health Insurance Act (KVG/LAMal) and the corresponding ordinances, and the general terms of insurance and applicable supplementary terms issued by Sanitas.

The amounts listed are for maximum benefits and, unless specified otherwise, are valid for each calendar year. Benefits are granted only in accordance with the Swiss Federal Health Insurance Act (KVG/LAMal) and the corresponding ordinances, and the general terms of insurance and applicable supplementary terms issued by Sanitas.

Basic insurance
Choose a basic insurance model that meets your needs:
  • Five models for basic insurance
  • Free choice of doctors, telemedicine, family doctor or HMO practice
  • Attractive premium discount
To the models
Supplementary insurance plans
Supplement basic insurance benefits
  • Cover costs that exceed basic insurance
  • Money towards additional treatments such as alternative medicine
  • Contributions towards preventive care such as check-ups
Supplementary insurance
Supplementary hospital insurance plans
Choose a hospital ward
  • General, semiprivate or private
  • Free choice of doctors and hospitals in Switzerland and abroad
  • Greater flexibility thanks to Hospital Upgrade
Hospital insurance