Want to change your deductible or

insurance model?

Change insurance cover

Certain deadlines apply if you want to change your deductible or basic insurance model. What you have to do.

Changing your deductible: how it works

Adjust the deductible to suit your health costs. If you often have to go to the doctor, choose a low deductible, but if you hardly ever need medical treatment, a high deducible is recommended.


You don’t need a health check to change the deductible; it is independent of your state of health and ongoing medical treatments. You can find out more about the deductible in our dictionary.

As a general rule, the higher your deductible, the lower your premium.

Deadlines for adjusting deductibles

A new deductible is always valid from 1 January of the following year. You can’t change the deductible during the course of the year.


  • If you want to reduce your deductible, we must receive notification by 30 November or the last working day in November.
  • If you want to increase your deductible, we must receive notification by 31 December or the last working day in December.

It’s easiest in the Sanitas Portal.

The Sanitas Portal allows you to manage your health insurance quickly and easily. 

Switching basic insurance model

Benefits for basic insurance are the same for all insureds throughout Switzerland. However, you can save money on your premiums with alternative insurance models, such as the family doctor model or the telmed model. How to switch from one model to another:

Deadlines for switching basic insurance model

  • Switch from the Basic standard model to an alternative insurance model with a deductible of CHF 300: possible at the start of any month
  • Switch with a higher deductible or from one alternative insurance model to another: possible at the 1 January the following year*

* We must receive notification by 30 November or the last working day in November.

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* Les champs marqués d’une étoile sont des champs obligatoires.